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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

40 Day Challenge

As some of you may know, Lent began last week on Wednesday. For those of you who do not know, Lent is the season that represents the story of when Jesus spent 40 days in the desert. It is a time for reflection, sacrifice and spiritual growth. I haven't really touched much on spiritual health, but being a spiritual and faithful person, I find it essential to my overall well-being. My faith keeps me whole. Sometimes just taking 2 minutes to thank God, the universe or whatever you may send your thoughts of gratitude to, makes a huge difference on the quality of your day. 

Generally, to practice the act of sacrifice, people "give up" something for Lent. For example, some people might give up eating chocolate. Or many times someone might try to go above and beyond to do good deeds. Usually I never decide what I'm doing for Lent until halfway through and I feel like I don't get out of it all that I could. 

Today marks exactly 40 days until Easter. So to change my crummy Lent habits, I have decided that this season I shall complete a 40 day challenge that concentrates solely on my overall wellness. And, I've decided to encourage all of you to complete it with me! Even if you do not practice Lent, you can still challenge yourself to focus on your health! 

Here's how it works: each week, there will be a series of 7 tasks, one for each day. You can accomplish them in any order that you see fit! The tasks focus on all parts of being a whole individual: emotional balance, physical fitness, nutritious diet, the cultivation of one's spirit and a sense of mindfulness. 

Each Wednesday (beginning today) I will post the 7 tasks and I will record my progress from the previous week. I will also offer up some uplifting and motivational words to help you carry out the challenge. :) 

Let's start off strong with this week's undertakings! 

1. Do 20 push ups (they don't have to be all in a row, although why not try?!)
2. Go to school or work without makeup. (If you don't wear makeup, don't style your hair). Embrace your natural beauty.
3. Only drink water today! No coffee, no juice, no alcohol! Just good old H2O. 
4. Go on a social outing and enjoy the good company of others.
5. Go on a walk or a bike ride around your community (or if it's too cold, perhaps the bike at the gym will do)!
6. FLOSS! Twice today!!
7. Give a stranger a genuine compliment. Say it out loud to their face. :)

Keep checking back each week for a new set of prosperous projects! Feel free to tell us about your progress with the challenge in the comments below! 

Peace and love to all. Go get 'em, tiger!
Elsie <3

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Zen Sunday

Tonight I participated in Yoga In the Park (<like it on Facebook!) in the Curtis Hixon Park in downtown Tampa. Every Sunday from 5 till 6, the people of Tampa gather for a yoga session while the sun slowly dips below the horizon. And the best part, it's completely free! This partnership has been going on for five years now and my only regret is that I did not know about it sooner!

Yoga is not only a physical exercise, but it is also equally a mental and spiritual exercise. Melissa, the instructor gave us constant reminders to concentrate on our breathing patterns. She kept telling us to "breathe out our week." Every time I let out a breath, I exhaled all the stress that accumulated throughout the week. I simply focused on finding inner peace. And you know what? I found it!

At one point, I looked up to the endless sky of crystal blue and a single bird flew over head. The beauty of nature surrounded me. The park is right by the water. The breath-taking architecture of the University of Tampa looms in the distance. When the sun sets, it looks like a scene from Aladdin.  I could hear the joyful screams of children, birds chirping, dogs barking, scooters, but even with all the commotion, I also found quiet. It's like I had created a bubble of tranquility around me and nothing could penetrate it. Honestly, some of my favorite parts of the session were when we just took in deep breaths. I forget how a simple deep breath can be so soothing. A huge gush of oxygen restores your brain. Then all you feel is a sense of lightness. 

Now I have back problems, minor scoliosis to be exact. So I was worried about the difficulty of the poses and the strain it could potentially put on my back. But I really appreciated this session because you could do everything at your own pace. If you began to feel discomfort, stop stretching as far. If your muscles felt tense, relax. There were people of all ages with all different exercise styles. Some people who practice yoga daily and some who this may have been their first class. You know when you sign up for a Zumba class or yoga or just any fitness class and you show up and you're immediately intimidated because it seems like EVERYONE knows what they're doing except you? I hate that! Well, this wasn't like that at all. It was a safe space. I felt completely comfortable. There was no self conscious feeling that could take away from the harmony with myself or with the earth. 

Afterwards, my body and spirit felt thoroughly refreshed! I felt relieved, relaxed, joyful, peaceful. I felt every good feeling possible. At the end, Melissa told us to thank ourselves for coming today. I loved that! Out of all the other things I could have been doing, I was doing yoga in the park. Something healthy for my body and my mind. I did thank myself. And it felt good to do that! We always try to show gratitude towards others but how often do we thank ourselves for our own actions? 

I was thankful that I chose to go today. I was thankful for a wonderful instructor who uplifted me and made me feel ready for a new week. I was thankful to be there with my best friend. I was thankful for the sky. I was thankful for the warmth that the sun provided. I was thankful for the beauty that the earth gives. And finally, I was thankful for a healthy body. Yoga reminded me not to take these things for granted. What an enlightening experience! 

I would highly suggest looking into taking a yoga class! Or stop by downtown Tampa on a Sunday evening for a free session! Or if you don't have enough time for that still, just take 20 minutes to stop and focus. Sit in a comfortable pose, open your heart, your mind and your spirit. And allow all anxiety, fear, doubt to slip away into the universe. Fill your head with the light feeling of oxygen. I promise, it will do wonders for your mental state. 

Here are some pictures from today!!

^^ This is Melissa the instructor!! :)

Be sure to follow Going Om Yoga on Facebook! Or check out one of Melissa's yoga classes!! Follow her on her website here

"Wisdom is knowing I am nothing; Love is knowing that I am everything.
And in between the two, my life moves."
-Nisargadatta Maharaj

She said the quote above in the session. Absolutely inspired. :) Remember to treat your body like a temple. Open your heart and mind to compassion. Live life in between wisdom and love. <3

Health is the true wealth my friends. 
Elsie <3

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

All Women Are Real Women

Today's post is about body image and self worth. 

Since I was young, I have been called names such as Small Fry, Tiny, Shrimp Scampi, the whole nine yards. When I would come home crying, my mom would always attempt to comfort me with the words, "You're just petite honey. You'll love it when you're older." I began to loathe the word "petite". I didn't want to be petite. I wanted to be like the other kids, so that I wouldn't feel so small. 

In recent years, I've come to realize that being a non conformist individual is so much more fun! I've learned that society's expectations are unrealistic and phony and I don't wish to live up to them. I am not a bodacious woman with C cups. If you're reading this and you are, that's fantastic! You were created to be that way. I wasn't. I have always been slender. I have always been healthy. I have never been underweight, yet people love to tell me to "Go eat a cheeseburger!" For your information, I do! I happen to love meat, thank you. 

I just feel very passionate about women (and everyone for that matter) genuinely loving their bodies. Take care of your body. Exercise, maintain a healthy diet, sleep. Protect your body. But also, protect your mind and know your worth. Just because someone else doesn't know your value doesn't give them permission to make you feel worthless. 

Your body is beautiful. You are strong. You are real! You are all your very own. :)

Here's a poem I wrote to give my thoughts about society's standards and how I have learned to not give a fuck about them. I know how precious I am. I know I'm the rarest rose in the meadow. And I won't let anyone make me feel like a weed! Also, notice how I use the word petite in the poem! I know what I am and I'm proud of it!

A Real Woman 
There is a phrase that I despise.
Just a warning, don't ever look me in the eyes and make this statement,
"Oh, she is a real woman." 
What does that mean?
That she exists, that she breaths. That she has a soul. That she's whole. No.
When they use the word real that's not what they mean!
They mean, a woman who is not lean like me but a a woman with curves
like the loops of words you write in the third grade when the teacher tells you 
if you learn cursive you'll have it made. 
But you know what I say to my 3rd grade teacher
and all the preachers that discuss the real women?
I am a real woman too!
I was then and  I am now. I don't know how
women are supposed to appreciate their God given features 
when the media tries to teach us
that our bodies aren't right, aren't good, aren't tight, aren't toned enough.
That we need to change it.
With Nutrisystem diets and botox and plastic
Women out there making drastic changes. 
Then they don't recognize their own eyes in the mirror, all they see is a disguise. 
Forced upon them by the evils of society. 
Fuck the hypocritical propriety. 

I was born with a leg gap.
It's a natural phenomenon.
Not something to gaze upon and say, "Hey, I want that."
Then go to the gym and burn fat.
And starve yourself of nutrition and dignity
meanwhile loosing your whole identity. 

I don't have a booty.
I'm as"white"as they come.
I'm not trying to be snooty. I'm just sayin'
why can a woman with more meat than me love the curves that she owns
but I can't embrace my skin and bones??
I'm skinny and petite
but I still eat!
I work out, I lift, I run, I make love, I play.
And I say Fuck you to the people who make me feel small. 
I know I'm not tall or curvy or luscious
but I am a precious jewel.
But a fool, to let them make me feel this way. 
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
Represent Eleanor Roosevelt, the intelligent ladies. 
The ones that use their brains and not their bodies,
the ones that don't let anyone tear them down. 

I don't have breasts.
They're practically non existent. 
Maybe this is why I'm so resistant to thinking I'm beautiful. 
I see women out there flaunting their beautiful womanly breasts 
And I can't even pass the fuckin pencil test. 
They all have the ideal body 
but when you strip away the filters the whole world seems off kilter
because they aren't perfect at all!
Flaws, scars and cellulite plight the woman that was presented as the "Covergirl."
But even with all the flaws and defects, I detect a real woman. 
One who is strong.
One who will hold on, no matter what. 
No matter how she stumbles along the path. 
The real women are the ones that can say, "Hey, I look truly beautiful today."
The ones that turn away
from the lies of the magazines and the ones that don't get caught up in the scenes. 
I look to those women.
I wanna be like them. 
The same ones condemned for being "full of themselves", "conceited."
Cheated by society again!
Be confident they say but your body still needs work.
Love who you are but you still need to look like her.
Let's not confuse confidence with narcissism my friends.
That shit needs to end. 
Women should say, "I love who I am today. And everyday."
That's the woman I want to be.
Because you know what they say,..
Confidence is key.
-Lindsey Coates 1/8/15

Hope you enjoyed it! I will be performing this at a poetry slam coming up! 
Video coming soon!!!

Well, lesson of the day: we are all different shapes and sizes, but beauty to me is defined as a work of art. That's exactly what the Creator did when He made you! He constructed a masterpiece. 

Share your thoughts in the comments below and feel free to share on social media! 

Good vibes. It's been real
Elsie <3