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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Beginning...

Attempting to start this blog has proven to be a challenge. I have so many ideas and so many thoughts that I wish to share but just like any piece of written work, the beginning always proves to be the most difficult part. Just like sitting down to write an essay. That blank, seemingly harmless, Word document suddenly morphs into this tremendous precipice that you must ascend. It scoffs at your strength and it impugns your intelligence. You feel completely unprepared. But the only way to climb it is by simply taking the first advance. You just have to start! 

I have thought of writing a blog for awhile now. At the beginning of this school year, an overwhelming sense of discouragement befell me. I felt unmotivated and uninterested with my studies. I needed something! Something to which I could dedicate my time. Something that I felt, mattered. I really enjoy writing. Writing takes me to a safe place, to my sweet disposition. There is a diary that sits on my desk; a modest rose colored book filled with my most intimate thoughts, scribbled poems, hailed quotes, sacred documents written at the wee hours of the night. When I am feeling especially inspired and confident I might discover the courage to share one of my poems. However, this confidence does not come often. 

So, I figured a blog is a little less personal way to share my writing and thoughts. 

My blog will be about my ideas of how to live a healthy, "whole" and "prosperous" lifestyle. During these college years, I find that health, many times, gets put on the back burner. Which I really can't understand why this happens. To me, good over-all health and a firm feeling of well-being is crucial to finding happiness in this life. Another day of life to me is equivalent to receiving a precious gift. It is a priceless fortune, one beyond any monetary value. I never wish to throw that gift away. 

So in attempt to give thanks for this life, I plan to keep myself healthy, to maintain my "wholeness." Health comes in many forms: physical (the most common idea of this complexity), mental, sexual, emotional, etc. Often someone will maintain a balanced diet and make regular trips to the gym, but they neglect their mental health. They neglect the fact that having peace of mind is also a health essential. Together, we shall fix this epidemic!!

I aspire to aid all of you that sometimes disregard the importance of living as a whole human being. I wish to give you a helping hand in keeping your health high on the priority list. I wish to demonstrate this task in an easy, budget friendly way. I hope this blog can be a place for you to turn to. 

Well, here it goes! 

Stay golden! Live whole and prosper!
Elsie <3

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