I have thought of writing a blog for awhile now. At the beginning of this school year, an overwhelming sense of discouragement befell me. I felt unmotivated and uninterested with my studies. I needed something! Something to which I could dedicate my time. Something that I felt, mattered. I really enjoy writing. Writing takes me to a safe place, to my sweet disposition. There is a diary that sits on my desk; a modest rose colored book filled with my most intimate thoughts, scribbled poems, hailed quotes, sacred documents written at the wee hours of the night. When I am feeling especially inspired and confident I might discover the courage to share one of my poems. However, this confidence does not come often.
So, I figured a blog is a little less personal way to share my writing and thoughts.
My blog will be about my ideas of how to live a healthy, "whole" and "prosperous" lifestyle. During these college years, I find that health, many times, gets put on the back burner. Which I really can't understand why this happens. To me, good over-all health and a firm feeling of well-being is crucial to finding happiness in this life. Another day of life to me is equivalent to receiving a precious gift. It is a priceless fortune, one beyond any monetary value. I never wish to throw that gift away.
So in attempt to give thanks for this life, I plan to keep myself healthy, to maintain my "wholeness." Health comes in many forms: physical (the most common idea of this complexity), mental, sexual, emotional, etc. Often someone will maintain a balanced diet and make regular trips to the gym, but they neglect their mental health. They neglect the fact that having peace of mind is also a health essential. Together, we shall fix this epidemic!!
I aspire to aid all of you that sometimes disregard the importance of living as a whole human being. I wish to give you a helping hand in keeping your health high on the priority list. I wish to demonstrate this task in an easy, budget friendly way. I hope this blog can be a place for you to turn to.
Well, here it goes!
Stay golden! Live whole and prosper!
Elsie <3
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